In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, please refer to the following directory to better direct your call.
To report a crime, speak to an officer or dispatcher, or have police, fire or medical services dispatched, please call:
(207) 743-9554, extension 0
To speak to a department's administration, request a copy of a police report, apply for a weapons permit, or other administrative concerns, please contact the respective agency's office between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM Monday through Friday:
Oxford County Sheriff - (207) 743-9554 extension 5
For civil paperwork service - Civil Division - (207) 743-9554 extension 4
Rumford Police Department - (207) 364-3449 extension 1
Mexico Police Department - (207) 364-5686
Norway Police Department - (207) 743-5303
Paris Police Department - (207) 743-7448 extension 3
Oxford Police Department - (207) 539-4414
Fryeburg Police Department - (207) 935-3323
To report a lost or injured animal, or to speak to an animal control officer or Game Warden, please contact the following:
Domesticated animals (Pets & Farm Animals) - (207) 743-9554 extension 0 for animal control
Wild animals - Maine Department of Public Safety Augusta - (207) 624-7076 extension 9 for Maine Warden Service
Other Contacts:
Oxford County Jail - (207) 743-9554 extension 3
Oxford County Superior Court - (207) 743-8936
Central Maine Power - 800-696-1000